Meet our people: Matas, Account Manager

Welcome to our “Life at Detra Solar” series, where we introduce you to the incredible people who make our company thrive. In this edition, we are excited to speak with Matas, our dynamic Account Manager. Join us as Matas shares his journey, experiences, and insights into what makes working at Detra Solar so special.

Q: Can you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your background? A: My name is Matas, I’m a 25-year-old enthusiastic guy who loves new technologies, a good laugh, and an interesting chat. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Renewable Energy Engineering and a major in Energy Technologies and Economics from Kaunas University of Technology.

Q: What is your role at Detra? A: I was a Design Engineer at Detra Solar for 1.5 years, and now I have switched my career path to work in sales. I am currently an Account Manager and have been with Detra for two years.

Professional Experience

Q: What attracted you to work at Detra? A: The professionalism and the opportunity to improve myself in various fields.

Q: Can you describe a typical day in your role? A: I start the day with a cup of coffee and a quick chat with my colleagues. Then I look through urgent questions from clients and our engineering team that need immediate attention. After that, every day is different—one day might involve three meetings in a row, while another might be spent writing emails and solving pressing problems.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your job? A: I like that there is a strong work hard – play hard mentality within the whole Detra team. After the job is done, you can always relax and enjoy some conversation with colleagues. I also have the opportunity to work on big international projects and meet a lot of different people every day, which makes the work exciting.

Q: What is the most challenging part of your role? A: For me, multitasking is the most challenging part of the job. Coming from an engineering role, where you focus on one thing at a time, it was hard reorganizing my brain to solve multiple problems almost at once.

Q: How does your role contribute to the company’s goals and mission? A: Finding new clients, establishing new partnerships, and maintaining good relationships with existing clients are crucial. If I do my job well, then the engineers have the opportunity to provide their knowledge and expertise for new projects. This contributes significantly to the mission and goals of Detra Solar.

Personal Insights

Q: What motivates you to come to work every day? A: The team and the atmosphere in the workplace.

Q: What do you think sets Detra apart from its competitors? A: Quality, speed, and attention to detail from the early stages of design. Our sales team is quick and responsive to requests, always ready to help and solve problems.

Q: How do you stay organized and manage your time effectively? A: I use notes and prioritize tasks to stay organized.

Q: What skills do you find most useful in your role? A: The ability to be flexible and find common ground with all types of people.

Team and Culture

Q: Can you share a memorable moment you’ve had while working at Detra? A: The first Detra Halloween party I attended was unforgettable. I realized it’s probably impossible to find this many professional yet crazy people in one place anywhere else.

Q: How would you describe the company culture at Detra? A: Innovative—the engineering department always looks for new ways to improve the design process and make it more efficient. Connected—every member of the Detra team is valued and acknowledged. Motivating—acknowledgment leads to motivation.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work? A: I am part of our university choir and often perform at concerts and on television. I also enjoy playing basketball, volleyball, and football with colleagues and friends.

Future Outlook

Q: What are you most excited about in the coming months for Detra? A: Annual events and working on big upcoming projects.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering a career at Detra? A: Come and join, and experience this atmosphere for yourself.

Fun and Personality

Q: What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you? A: I like gaming, building computers, and Marvel comics. I don’t look like a nerdy guy, but I am.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? A: I would like the ability to fly. Going everywhere fast and for free would be perfect.

Q: Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? A: Singing is not a hidden talent anymore, so I would say computer building. I built my own computer at home, and I am thinking about building a new one soon.

Q: What’s your favorite quote or motto? A: All things happen for a reason, and there is always something good, even in a bad situation.


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